Thursday, May 22, 2008


Lack of focus.
I need to focus at the task at hand.
My brain is a million miles away right now.
I really should get down to the business at hand.
Jump from one thing to another to another.
I have things that I need to accomplish.
I can’t remember why I was doing.

I think that’s why I have trouble reading only one book at a time. I don’t remember the last time that I’ve only been reading only one. It’s not because I don’t like the book that I’m reading now, it’s because I have so many other things that I want to do at the same time.

So much to do, so little time.

Friday, May 16, 2008

My Summer Movie Picks

The summer movie season has now started. I know it’s an odd thing to think about in the middle of May; but, despite what I pay at the theater, studios are having a harder time making ends meet today and so they think – like hockey – all they need to do expand their season to bring in more money. In all reality, I couldn’t care less about that. What I really care about is if there’s movies that I really want to see. And this year, like every other year, I’ve made my list.

My list is the list of movies that I think that I want to see based on the plot synopsis that I can find and the list of actor all from It doesn’t mean that I’ll actually see it in the theater. In fact I rarely make it a quarter of the movies on the list and not all of them even end up in my Netflix queue. Some of my picks are incredibly dorky, but aren’t we sometimes just in the mood for something different? I do like to be entertained and after the doldrums of the winter movies that are released and the last few really years of truly terrible movies, I think that there might be some hope this year. Maybe. Kindda.

Iron Man (5/2)
Speed Racer (5/9)
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (5/16)
Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (5/22)
Sex and the City: the Movie (5/30)

You Don’t Mess with the Zohan (6/6)
The Happening (6/13)
Get Smart (6/20)
Wall•E (6/27)
Wanted (6/27)
Hancock (7/4)
The Dark Knight (7/18)
Mamma Mia! (7/18)
X-Files: I Want to Believe (7/25)

The Rocker (8/1)
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (8/8)
Tropic Thunder (8/15)
Hamlet 2 (8/22)