Tuesday, November 13, 2007

You Know It's Trouble When...

I’ve messed up my knees. There’s no other way of putting it. I wish I have some fantastic story to tell how I did it like base jumping into the Grand Canyon, but it’s really quite sad how it all happened. The first time, it involved New Years Eve, me, a trampoline, a skilled surgeon and many hours (I can’t say countless because my insurance company has kept track of all of them) of physical therapy. I had so many questions and I was never sure exactly what to expect or how far I could push myself. I am now so amazed at the limits to which the human body can be pushed and still recover.

That was the first time. This time, it’s a little less complex, but a whole lot more embarrassing. I didn’t realize how much until this weekend.

I was involved in a community play with people at church, many of whom I did not know and was meeting for the first time. As we would go on stage people of course would say, “Break a leg,” and I would laugh about how I really shouldn’t try that as I recently did that. Once gentleman asked how I had broken my leg. I replied that I had done the other leg a couple years ago and went for the matching set and it was a bit of an embarrassing story. He then proceeded to talk about how a friend of his daughter had told them about a girl who had broken her leg doing the limbo and that my story couldn’t any worse than that. "Besides," he told me, "no one could really break their leg doing the limbo."

I was standing there listening aghast as a total stranger told me the story of how I had broken my leg. I had to confirm to him that someone could indeed break their leg doing the limbo as I was the girl in the story. And now I’ll get to do a second knee surgery.

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