Thursday, June 19, 2008

Prince of What?

I went and saw Prince Caspian and was overall pleased with the movie because I felt that it was a huge improvement over the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe with one glaring exception.
They turned the end of the Susan’s time into a tween movie!
After seeing Tilda Swinton rule the screen in her all too brief appearance as the White Witch. After the performance of the actor playing Edmund made me love and respect the character. After an inventive and cool battle scene. After even a bizarre explanation of Caspian’s heritage.
Then it turned into another Disney tween movie. I thought for a moment that Zack Effron and Vanessa Hudgens were going to come on the screen singing about the woes of high school. I really wanted to like the entire movie. I loved everything else about it.
Why couldn’t it just have everything?

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